Managing Diabetes Together

Providing resources that help healthcare professionals and patients improve diabetes outcomes.

Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) Resources

What is Continuous Glucose Monitoring? How do I start using it with patients?

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) is a method of managing diabetes through devices that constantly measure a patient’s blood glucose level. CGM improves diabetes outcomes and improves diabetes patients’ quality of life. A clinical trial has demonstrated that Medicaid patients with diabetes who use CGM have better blood sugar control than Medicaid members who do not use CGM.

Find out how to start using CGM in my practice >

Diabetes Self-Management and Education (DSME) Resources


What is Diabetes Self-Management Education? How can I begin referring patients to DSME?

DSME refers to an evidence-based program of structured education and support that empowers patients to manage their diabetes care. People who participate in DSME have been shown to have better diabetes-related outcomes. The resources on this website can help you find a certified DSME program near you and your patients.

Find out how to being referring patients to DSME >

General Diabetes Management Resources

What resources can help my patient manage their diabetes?

Resources are available to help care professionals looking to work with their patients to manage diabetes beyond DSME or CGM. Resources are also available to help with general transportation, MyCare, and more.

Access diabetes management resources >

Ohio’s Medicaid Managed Care Plans Are Here to Help

Contact Ohio’s Medicaid Managed Care Plans

Access Medicaid Managed Care Plan contact information >

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