Where can I find CGM webinars, trainings, and toolkits?

The resources below offer help in many aspects of CGM implementation.

Resource Source Description
Webinar – Remote Monitoring for Diabetes: Embracing Technology to Improve Patient Care Cardi-OH (Ohio Cardiovascular and Diabetes Health Collaborative) This webinar will assist you define remote monitoring and technological options for diabetes management, identify patient populations for whom remote monitoring is appropriate, set up systems of care using remote monitoring for the intensification of diabetes management.
AAFP TIPS™ on Continuous Glucose Monitoring AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians) CME activity providing details on CGM technology, clinical evidence, evaluating patient readiness, interpreting CGM data, practice strategies and workflows.
Dexcom Clinic Resources Dexcom Multiple resources include webinars for telehealth, prescribing, and office training checklists.
The Role of Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) in Diabetes Management Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists High-level review of benefits of CGMs, identifying candidates for CGM, and ensuring patient success.
The Diabetes Care and Education Specialist’s Role in Continuous Glucose Monitoring Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists


Covers topics that should be covered by diabetes care and education specialists when teaching people with diabetes (PWD) and their families or support persons in the utilization of CGM and interpretation of the data.
Addressing Clinical Inertia in Diabetes Care Cardi-OH (Ohio Cardiovascular and Diabetes Health Collaborative) Read about factors that contribute to clinical inertia and tactics to reduce it.
Cardi OH- Clinical Best Practice Toolkit Cardi-OH (Ohio Cardiovascular and Diabetes Health Collaborative) The Diabetes Quality Improvement Project (QIP) Clinical Toolkit can assist primary care clinicians to streamline processes and improve care with the goal of reducing the percentage of patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes while addressing health equity.
Personal CGM Implementation Playbook- ADCES Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists This Playbook brings together information available from multiple sources to provide an inclusive and unbiased approach to implementation of Personal CGM into your practice. It includes a step-by-step approach to implementation, additional resources and the latest research