Who can prescribe CGM devices?

Get help determining which types of providers in your practice can prescribe CGM devices.

To prescribe a CGM device, the prescriber must have an unencumbered license in the state of Ohio, have a Medicaid ID, and be listed as a provider type. The below provider types are permitted to order, refer, and/or prescribe a CGM device.

Provider Type Provider Type Number
Licensed Doctors of Medicine/Osteopathy 20
Licensed Doctors of Chiropractic 27
Licensed Doctors of Dental Medicine/Surgery 30
Licensed Doctors of Podiatric Medicine 36
Licensed Doctors of Optometry 35
Licensed Physician Assistants 24
Licensed Nurse Practitioners 72
Licensed Clinical Nurse Specialists 65
Licensed Certified Nurse Midwifes 71
Licensed Clinical Psychologists 42

Please note that organizational providers are prohibited from ordering, referring, or prescribing medications.