CGM Resources

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CGM Devices

How can I set up my practice to use CGM devices?

Setting up CGM in your practice can seem daunting. This roadmap provides an overview.

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Patient Care & Education

How do I discuss CGM with my patients?

Promoting equitable care and ensuring that patients understand what CGM devices entail are important for successful CGM implementation.

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CGM Devices

Who do I contact to set up and troubleshoot a CGM?

CGM manufacturers, including Abbott and DexCom, have local representatives to assist you.

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Billing & Finance

Is my Medicaid patient eligible for CGM?

Use the information on this page to help determine if your patient is eligible a CGM under Medicaid.

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Patient Care & Education

Who can prescribe CGM devices?

Get help determining which types of providers in your practice can prescribe CGM devices.

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Workflows & Processes

Is prior authorization required to get my Medicaid patient a CGM?

Get answers to this common question here.

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